Lifeguard four six, cleared direct Albuquerque, climb and maintain 17,000. Juliet Mike two one, turn left heading 115. Wayfarer 515, traffic 3 o'clock, King Air, turn left heading 085. Sierra alpha alpha contact Albuquerque Center 134.6. Contact Albuquerque Center 134.6. Wayfarer 515, descend to 10,000. Juliet Mike two one do you have that traffic at your 9 o' clock. Wayfarer 515, do you have that traffic...
They found water on Mars. Don't exactly know what to do with that information, but hey, God bless 'em they found it. To water on Mars! So what did you have? Girl or Boy? That's nice. Congratulations. I have a daughter. Old enough to know better. Twenty-seven next month. Just the one. Kids today grow up faster, I think. Just love them. Just, you know. They... they are who they are. Family - Can't give up on them. Never. I mean, what else is there?
You miserable little smack head, get the hell out! You're going back to rehab - today, now. Eighteen Months you have been clean for eighteen months, Jane, why, why do you do it? Lying to me, shacking up and using with this scumbag, this loser!
You talk about rehab oh gee, isn't that wonderful? Okay, you know what you need? I'll tell you exactly what you need. I am calling the police. I have tried ten years of love and understanding, maybe what it takes is you drying out in a jail cell.